The Adoption 411

Recently, we ran across a story about a couple who was interested in adoption but wasn’t sure where to get quality information.  They eventually decided to reach out to a local radio personality because they had heard him speak of his adoption on the air.

The radio announcer responded and answered a few questions for them – that launched them on a journey that led to the adoption of their new baby girl.  You can read their story here.

One might wonder “Why ask a radio DJ about adoption?”, but if you’ve ever looked for information, you know it can get confusing.  Add to the fact that there are people who may try and profiteer or take advantage of your kind heart.  The answers you get quickly may not be the right ones.

So what’s a prospective adoptive family to do?

Ask someone who’s adopted.  Most adoptive families are more than willing to tell you about their experience if it helps ou decided if adoption is for you.  If you do this, though, make sure you’re getting information on the type of adoption you’re wanting.  The foster-t0-adopt system varies greatly from state to state.  International adoption programs very greatly from nation to nation.  Private adoption has it’s own unique systems.  Make sure that what you are learning about is actually applicable to your need.

If you’re interested in private adoption – or just want to know the difference between private, international and foster-to-adopt, we’d be happy to help as well.  Email us your questions or ask for a return phone call and one of our team will get back with you quickly.  You can reach us at

Adoption is a journey, but others have been there before.  Don’t be afraid to seek guidance.