Care For The Long Haul

Pregnancy is a nine month process, but caring for an expectant mom is bigger than that. At Zoe’s House, we talk about pregnancy, but we also talk about life – the life of a baby and mother. That consideration guides our decisions and input into her life. Here’s what it looks like.

We have frank conversations.

Just because a young woman comes to us to inquire doesn’t mean adoption is the best plan for her. We are all about life – and in some cases, these women can go on to parent. They don’t need an adoption agency, they need encouragement.  We have those frank “why” conversations early on to help them make that determination for themselves.

We look for sustainable solutions to her needs.

Often, the easiest answers are not the best. For example, if she’s three months into her pregnancy and needs housing, we could rent a small apartment for six months. The answer is fast and easy – but it often leaves her homeless shortly after having a baby. It doesn’t sound very loving, does it?

We work hard to locate as many local and state resources as we can – subsidized housing, for instance – that will continue on past the pregnancy for a time and allow them to regain their footing. Subsidized housing for a year is much more helpful than the quick and easy plan. It helps keep expenses lower for adoptive families, too. It also gives them the assurance that their new baby’s birth mom is not out on the street. The sustainable solution is better for everyone.

We talk about five year plans, not nine month plans.

Young women often come to us needing help with what they think is a nine month situation, but they’re often pregnant and drifting because they have only been thinking a few months ahead in life.  We ask the hard questions that reveal what they’d like to be doing in five years.

Those plans almost always involve prep work. If they want to go to college, it may mean enrolling them in a GED course. If they want work skills, we talk with them about where to start and help them apply for starter jobs where they can build job equity.  No one, pregnant or otherwise, stumbles into success.  We help them walk tall towards their goals.

We don’t fade away.

Often, adoption agencies are all about adoption – and at Zoe’s House, we certainly celebrate placements and finalizations. Whenever one of our families finalizes, our staff members who are in court quickly send photos back to the office and we all cheer.  For the most part, adoptive families move on without much help from us.

For the brave young woman who made an adoption plan, it can be a different process.  She’s still pondering, praying, and thinking about a baby that she will not parent.  That doesn’t mean she has regrets. It just means she needs a friend.  We remain that to her.

In almost all cases, we continue close contact with our birth moms. We counsel them, encourage them, and look for ways to continue their trajectory toward their long term goals.  We’re often the first call they make months later when they get that dream job or even talk to one of their friends about adopting.

We’re able to provide excellent care like this because of people like you.   During this focus on expectant moms, will you help us give these women the best care we can?

You can donate online here or text ADOPT to 56651 to give.

Also, don’t miss our recent podcast interview with one of our birth moms!