June 10, 2020
You are part of this adoption, and I want to invite you to take a glimpse into the bravest and most noble part of the adoption process: birth mothers.
When pondering the suffering of childbirth, mothers often exclaim “it was all worth it for the joy of this baby!”. The memories of her pain fade as the overwhelming joy of holding and nurturing her new baby replaces them.
But for Casey, her pain was not going to be washed away by hours of gazing into her bay’s eyes, nuzzling his downy head or rocking him to sleep. Casey had decided to ask anothe rmother to do the gazing, the nuzzling, the rocking.

Casey started thinking about adoption as soon as she found out she was pregnant – abortion was never a consideration.
She had witnessed how beautiful adoption can be—turning the unexpected and painful into a blessing—through a few adoptive families in her church.
Casey came to Zoe’s House at seven months pregnant, with her heart determined to carry her baby to term and place him with a family that would love and care for him.
Because of your support and commitment, the Zoe’s House team had two months to serve Casey with wrap-around care several times a week, and through her labor and delivery.
Remember, adoption is approached uniquely at Zoe’s House, and because partners like you make it possible, birth mothers are tenderly and thoroughly cared for during – and even after – pregnancy and delivery. These precious stories are yours too.
Casey requested to have baby’s adoptive family care for him in the hospital, but she held the teddy bear you see above tight throughout her stay.
In the bear’s front little pocket a love note from Casey was tucked, and her scent would comfort her baby son as he transitioned to life outside the womb with his adoptive parents.

This bear went home with her son, and will serve him as a lifetime reminder of how much she loves him – so much that she gave him life adn then bravely saked another mother to watch over his life.
I’m so glad you are a part of us, and these precious family stories can be shared with you. You are woven into this story, and all the sacred stories that are the heartbeat of Zoe’s House. Thank you for giving, and especially in this season – for sacrificing to give. Thank you for sowing into this mission.
Because God gives life,

Executive Director
Zoe’s House Adoption Agency