Shining Bright During Shelter-In-Place

April 14, 2020

It’s been challenging to figure out how to fully serve the needs of the vulnerable women who reach out to us during this crisis, but your Zoe’s House team has gotten very creative! One thing is clear in every call received on the 24/7 hotline you make possible—people are feeling so much fear and confusion—but deeply longing for hope and comfort.

From park meetings with expectant mamas to doorstep deliveries and encouraging notes dropped into the mail, know that the mothers of Zoe’s House are being cared for and supported in every possible way. We thought you would like a little update—adoptions and meeting the needs of expectant mothers in crisis have continued, even in quarantine. 

Creative Quarantine

Our beloved social worker Annelise continues to make adoptions possible right from her home! Here she is reading material on the “Connected Child” between calls, emails, video chats, and case notes.


Christina, Director of Client Care,  has been running all over the city making doorstep deliveries of groceries, maternity clothes, and necessary paperwork.


Babies do not wait for a crisis to be over! Zoe’s House continues to  respond to every expectant mother who reaches out with resources and support.


How You Can Help

In the next few months, there will be several opportunities for you to get involved in reaching more women and babies in crisis. But…most of those will have to wait until we can all safely be together. Until we can do those things together, please PRAY for the Zoe’s House staff to remain healthy and safe, for the mothers reaching out for help in this extremely stressful time, and for funding to care for them. Be on the lookout next week for the full story, but here is a sneak-peek at a beautiful set of Mother’s Day earrings designed just for Zoe’s House—100% of the profits of every pair you purchase between now and Mother’s Day will go to Zoe’s House. Find out more ››

Thankful for you…

Each time a staff member reaches for a resource, makes a call, jumps in a car to do a grocery run, downloads legal documents and takes them to a lawyer, makes a hospital visit, or meets a mama to take her some clean maternity clothes and offer hope….we are thankful for YOU. Your compassion provides what is needed to reach these hearts, and give dignity to courageous women who are choosing LIFE for their unborn babies. Your generosity makes all the difference. Thank you so much.


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