Fall 2023: God Sets the Lonely in Families

Dear friends,

December is a month of tradition. Most of us have Christmas parties we host, food we prepare, friends we make gifts for – all a part of the seasonal rhythm that fills our hearts with joy.   

At our house, our family traditionally enjoys cheesy Christmas movies this entire month. Once school break starts you can find everyone piled on the sofas several evenings a week watching yet another movie about a holiday crisis with a hero and a happy ending.

Stories are a part of our Christmas season, but the best stories are not those created by Hollywood. Like the original Christmas story, the best stories begin with a moment of wonder and are told in eternity. They begin and do not end.

Your partnership with Zoe’s House allows eternal adoption stories to be written, displaying Psalm 68:6, 

Our Zoe friends made it possible for our team to rush to the hospital in October for Everett’s “pop-up adoption” when his mother made the dignified decision to place him with a loving family.
You made it happen when Malachi’s birth mom received a fuzzy robe and blanket while in the hospital, along with a care bag stuffed full of postpartum necessities.

Zoe’s House partners opened the door for our team to visit local pregnancy resource centers and train them in adoption counseling.
There are so many stories worth telling!

Numbers can’t possibly tell all the stories, but they can reflect the fruit of your gifts and our labor. On this link, you can see the work of Zoe’s House in numbers and learn about the other ways we serve women, children, families, and communities with the spirit of adoption. We hope you will hold this verse in your hearts as a prayer for all those touched by adoption.  

Your sacrifice opens the door to great faith and God-stories to be written! The Zoe’s House mission continues because of you. We are so grateful.


Kelsey Bohlender
Executive Director | Zoe’s House