A message from our Executive Director

At Zoe’s House, our purpose is rooted in the belief that
God gives life. This foundational truth fuels our mission, driving every decision, every act of service, and every initiative we undertake. Our vision remains….

Every child born

Every adoption affordable

Every life whole

As social architects responding to our ever-evolving cultural landscape, Zoe’s House seeks to adapt our strategies while remaining true to our core mission. Two years after the overturning of Roe v Wade, abortion rates are rising, and adoption rates are declining - troubling trends that we cannot ignore. While many believed that adoption placements would increase post-Roe, the opposite has occurred. No one agrees on why, and the data points are inconclusive. Some suspect it is due to the wide availability of medication abortions, even via telehealth or a simple website. The rate of adoption has dramatically decreased as the abortion rate has increased by 11% in 2023, the first full year after the reversal of Roe (Guttmacher Institute). This reality calls for proactive and compassionate action. Every life whole is a broad vision with a wide range of possibilities. A wide door stands open to the body of Christ to respond with life-affirming solutions.

As friends of Jesus, we continue to pray, but we must also do. Taking action extends the reach of our intercession, bringing answers into the tangible realm. Zoe’s House believes that to be pro-life is to be radically pro-child, from cute babies to teens aging out of foster care without a family. By operating in the spirit of adoption (Romans 8), we mirror the gospel and display the manifold wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:10). True religion is to care for the fatherless (James 1:27), and the Lord wants to set the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6). The Church becomes the answer to the life issue because adoption is a prophetic statement that we value children. What if we can repair the breach and restore the nation by the righteous act of adopting children? (Isaiah 58:12).

We can easily talk ourselves into doing nothing. Age, busyness, family, and even involvement in ministry can be roadblocks to taking action. Opportunities to change history rarely come at convenient times and are often very costly. We learn from heroes like William Wilberforce, George Whitefield, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others who gave their all for life and freedom. As Lou Engle profoundly suggests, “Reason is the guillotine of faith.” Faith must guide our response in these opportune times.

Our heart has always been to partner with the Church to serve vulnerable children, support women at risk, and help families who want to adopt. This fall, we are excited to unveil new ways we’re leading in this effort. Zoe’s House is pioneering new paths, and we invite you to join us on this journey to bring every child home.

Stay tuned for more updates on how Zoe’s House is stepping out in faith to expand our reach while fulfilling the mission to serve with dignity and the love of Christ. 

Together, let’s aim for every life whole!

The Zoe’s House mission continues because of your friendship and faithfulness. Thank you for your generous gift toward our end of the year goal of $375,000, enabling us to tell more stories.

In gratitude, 

Executive Director
Zoe's House