We met our matching grant! We are excited to announce that thanks to the generosity of so many, we raised over $47,000!
This will directly impact pro-life initiatives, giving women, children, and families what they desperately need…. HOPE.
HOPE for the woman in crisis who is feeling alone and uncared for…
HOPE for the family who has been praying for a child…
HOPE for children who have been in the foster care system for years and are waiting for their forever family…
HOPE for LIFE to be protected and valued.
From every person that you helped by your gift – and from each of us at Zoe’s House – THANK YOU! We could not do this without you. We are so grateful for the Lord bringing you alongside us to help us serve expectant parents and adoptive families with dignity and the love of Christ.
Because of love,

Becky Jackman
Director of Development
Zoe’s House Adoption Agency