Our Staff

Kelsey Bohlender
Executive Director
Kelsey is a dreamer who is believing for a million adoptions to change the landscape of the life movement in America. As a mother of ten children (six adopted), she is passionate about coaching families in their own adoption journey. She is the co-author of The Spirit of Adoption: Winning the Battle for the Children, an avid soccer fan and a baker of the best cinnamon rolls this side of heaven.

Amber Helms, LMSW
Client & Family Advocate

Lindsay Kastner
Development Project Coordinator
Lindsay hails from Connecticut and while a New Englander at her core, she has affectionately called Kansas City home since 2010. Adoption was first imprinted on her heart when, at 20, she went to India for three months to work as an English tutor in an orphanage. That experience changed her worldview and redirected her career goals towards the non-profit sector. Prior to Zoe’s House, Lindsay worked in donor development and marketing for a global, Christian non-profit. She considers working at Zoe's House a career highlight because of her passion to encourage and proclaim the dignity of all women. In her free time Lindsay loves to travel with her husband Martin, have long talks with friends, read novels, binge a good series, and play with her dog, Hugo.

Becky Jackman
Director of Development
Becky has been active in strategic prayer for our nation and the cause of the unborn for over 25 years. Her heart is to see a culture reformation that would value LIFE at every stage. She believes that adoption is the new frontier of the pro-life movement and has helped pioneer this for the past decade in Kansas City. Becky and her husband Bruce have grown children in Kansas City and Papua New Guinea with 6 beautiful grandchildren.

Brittany Harty, LMSW
Family Advocate
Brittany grew up in Denver, Colorado, but has lived in the Kansas City area for several years, now, where Kansas has quickly become a home away from home! She has previous experience in adoption, providing support to expectant moms during their pregnancy, and guidance to adoptive parents in the process of adoption. Prior to this, she’s had experience in the school setting, working with middle and high school students, surrogacy, and private practice counseling, providing services to teenagers and couples. When not in the office, she enjoys Sporting KC soccer games, time with her husband, Joey, her dog, Luke, and every opportunity to visit family in Colorado.

Elizabeth Potter, LMSW
Director of Social Services

Makenzie Cutsforth
Client Advocate