Another Way Home
Connecting waiting children with loving families.
Zoe’s House is expanding services to meet evolving needs related to adoption. In an ongoing search for creative solutions, we began paving new routes to connect children in crisis with secure and permanent families. When traditional adoption pathways do not apply, we have discovered there is often another way home.
Our two-track solution is outlined below.

There are 500 children in Kansas and over 2,000 in Missouri with parental rights terminated and currently waiting in state custody for a forever home. Children aging out annually from the system are forced to carry an unjust burden into adulthood as they drift out of governmental care alone. With nowhere to go for holidays, no one to cosign on a lease, or help with a broken down car, life without a family has horrendous consequences. Higher rates of homelessness, addiction, PTSD, sex trafficking, and incarceration are looming over these futures.
We can help.
Zoe’s House is partnering with the states of Kansas and Missouri to find permanent families for children in foster care who are currently eligible for adoption. We are making new efforts to recruit, train, match, and support families willing to step into these stories as an adoptive placement. Kids with high levels of trauma, in sibling sets, or with significant needs are hard to place but also exceedingly worth the fight for restoration.
Zoe’s House wants to empower you, your family, and your community to explore your desire to say yes, as well as the next steps toward adoption to help transform lives and future lineages of children who are often hidden or forgotten.
Unique situations require innovative solutions. Zoe’s House has made efforts in scenarios that extend beyond the traditional adoption journey to connect children with families. When the way forward is unclear, we pioneer a new path to bring every child home. Children are worth overcoming challenges by thinking outside the box.
If we can help, we will.
Rather than dismiss complicated cases, Zoe’s House takes action to respond with compassion and overcome barriers. We have assisted in creating specialized placements by making crucial connections, agency-to-agency networking, birth family services, home studies, and providing other essential components needed to complete adoptions. When the journey home looks different, Zoe’s House is there to help creatively find solutions to forge a new pathway.